IT Minister Sridhar Babu recently met with Amara Raja officials, including Galla Jay Dev, to discuss the ongoing development of the lithium-ion battery plant in Divitipally, Mahabubnagar. The ambitious ₹9,500 crore project, which is anticipated to be completed within the next six years, has already seen the completion of its first phase, with production underway.Construction of the second and third phases is advancing rapidly on the 262 acres allocated by the government. During the meeting, Sridhar Babu instructed the Mahabubnagar District Collector to expedite the acquisition of land for a 3-kilometer approach road connecting the plant to the national highway.The minister also emphasized the urgent need to complete the 220-kilowatt power line necessary for the plant’s operations. Additionally, given the plant’s requirement of 5 million liters of water per day, Sridhar Babu called for accelerated efforts to supply 1.5 million liters to meet initial demands.