In a bid to elevate Telangana’s status in the sports arena, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy outlined ambitious plans during the closing ceremony of the Hyderabad Marathon, organized by the Hyderabad Runners Society at GMC Balayogi Stadium in Gachibowli. Chief Minister Reddy highlighted efforts to position Hyderabad as a central venue if India is chosen to host the 2036 Olympics. He revealed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been requested to support this initiative. Additionally, Reddy announced the establishment of the Young India Sports University, set to begin operations from the next academic year.During the marathon event, where winners were honored by Reddy and other officials, the Chief Minister expressed gratitude to the organizers and sponsors. He also disclosed that Telangana has formally requested the Union Minister to consider the state as a host for the upcoming Khelo India Youth Games.Reddy criticized previous governments for neglecting Hyderabad’s potential in sports and pledged to restore the city’s prominence on the national and international stage. His government aims to maximize Telangana’s medal haul at the 2028 Olympics and is initiating several projects to achieve this goal.Plans include the establishment of Telangana Sports University, with cooperation from South Korea Sports University, and the upgrading of stadiums in Hyderabad to Olympic standards. The Chief Minister emphasized that facilities across the state would be improved to support various sports disciplines.These efforts signify a strong commitment to advancing sports infrastructure and management in Telangana, aiming to bring the state to the forefront of global sports excellence.