**Narayanapet, September 1, 2024** — In a devastating incident in Kothapalli Mandal, Narayanapet district, a house collapse due to severe monsoon rains has resulted in the deaths of a mother and her daughter. The tragedy occurred in Ekkamedu village early Sunday morning.The victims have been identified as Hanumamma, 78, and her daughter Anjulamma, 38. Hanumamma, who had three daughters and a son, had been living with Anjulamma, who was widowed. The other children of Hanumamma, including her son and daughter-in-law, reside in a different house.The house, weakened by the persistent heavy rains over the past three days, collapsed while the family was asleep, leading to the tragic loss of both lives. Local residents and emergency services responded to the incident promptly.Tehsildar Anil Kumar visited the site to investigate the cause of the collapse and assess the situation. Authorities are working to provide support to the affected family and address the aftermath of the disaster.