4,000 Contract Workers Laid Off at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Amid Privatization Protests

*Visakhapatnam, September 29, 2024*: In a shocking development, around 4,000 contract workers at the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) have been laid off, intensifying the ongoing protests against the plant’s privatization. Workers were informed that their gate passes had been revoked, following instructions reportedly issued to contractors and supervisors across various departments to remove the workforce.This mass layoff has sparked unrest among the workers, who have already been protesting the government’s move to privatize the steel plant. Upon learning about the sudden job losses, many workers grew agitated, demanding an immediate halt to the eviction process.The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, a crucial public sector enterprise, has been facing strong opposition from workers’ unions and local communities ever since the central government announced plans for privatization. The removal of these contract workers, seen as part of cost-cutting measures ahead of the privatization move, has further fueled tensions in the region.The workers are calling for the government and plant management to reconsider the layoffs and protect their livelihoods, urging authorities to address their concerns before proceeding with further actions. As protests continue, the future of both the plant and its workers remains uncertain.